Thursday, December 20, 2007 Publisher sends out Law of Attraction "Peace" Message

From Beth Caldwell,

Hi Everyone,

I have just finished up a 3 day retreat and I noticed something. In many of the windows I was browsing I saw signs for PEACE.I remembered a quote used in The Secret about Mother Theresa saying she would never attend a war protest, but she would be happy to attend a rally for peace.

I have been thinking a lot about all of the families devastated and separated by this war. We visited the cemetery last week, and I was humbled by the number of soldiers graves there. What would happen if we all began to think about peace instead of war? If you believe in the power of positive thought, then you know what I am talking about. If you don't believe in positive thinking, then what can this hurt?

I have created a PDF for PEACE. Please print it out and hang it in the windows of your home and office. Every person that sees it will think"Peace" if only for a moment.
What may happen?

Please download the attached PDF and hang it in your window at home and at the office. Pass it on to your families, friends, and all businesses that you knowof.

Wishing you Peaceful Holidays,Beth Caldwellwww.PositiveMoms. com

Find "Peace" PDF at:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This was posted as a reply to Beth's email to Pittsburgh Women's Networking and I thought it was very informational.

How about prayer to the Prince of Peace too!

wipwyp5 wrote:
> The idea of promoting peace is very much alive in Pittsburgh. Many
> women's groups work toward that end. Some of the groups include, Code
> Pink, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, the Raging
> Grannies, Amnesty International,Gather the Women, to name a few. All of
> these groups need support from all of us, all of the time.
> Collective thoughts of peace combined with the work needed to achieve
> that goal should be what we all work towards.
> Happy holidays to all of you and your families.
> Peace,
> Anna Marie
> Women's Independent Press/Women's Yellow Pages